Agile Testing Days 2016 — Part 5: Conference Day 2

On the second day of the conference, I enjoyed a new feature: Cinema Replay. One of the morning talks was recorded and then replayed in the afternoon. This included freshly made pop corn to enjoy during the presentation. I think that this is a nice way to help mitigate one issue of all multi-track conferences: You can only attend one session at a time.

I watched the replay of Pete Walen‘s “Making Deploy Decisions Beyond ‘Hard Facts’”. The hard facts that Pete presented were taken from real projects and were used with good intentions. However, even with a strict rule such as “No known severity 0 or 1 bugs in the software”, releases can go bad.

It’s possible that no severe known bugs are found simply because testing stopped for a while before going to production. (Don’t laugh, it happens!) When you then go live there may well be serious bugs in the software. Pete presented several well known software releases than went bad. I really hope that Pete publishes the slides and that the talk will be made publicly available by the organisers. The given examples and stories are definitely worth sharing, so that these mistakes can be avoided.

Another very exciting session I attended was Eddy Bruin‘s and Bram Bronneberg‘s “Beer Tasting and Testing Workshop”. Yes, we had a workshop on beer tasting. We were given descriptions of two types of beer and then one beer. From the look, smell, and taste of the beer, we had to guess which of the two descriptions actually described the given beer. This was very funny and entertaining. I didn’t know before that beers could taste this wildly different!

Be sure to also read about this conference day on other blogs. Each post offers unique insights about the conference. Here is a great list to start:

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