Moving Left and Right in zsh (in macOS)

I use the command line a lot on my Macs, in particular, I use iTerm2.

When moving left and right in a command the shortcuts I knew about so far were:

Key (combination)Moves Cursor…
Right Arrow ‘→’One character right
Left Arrow ‘←’One character left
CTRL + aBeginning of the line
CTRL+ eEnd of the line

After adding the following lines to ~/.zshrc, I now can also move left and right per word using ALT-← and ALT-→ respectively:

bindkey "[D" backward-word # ALT-left-arrow  ⌥ + ←
bindkey "[C" forward-word  # ALT-right-arrow ⌥ + →

Especially when moving around in long command lines, this is really convenient & saves a lot of time.

Do you have keyboard shortcuts that you use regularly on the command line (or elsewhere)? I’d love to hear about them!

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