Author: Stephan

About Stephan

I'm a self-employed software tester. I test and write software, listen to music and go hiking — sometimes simultaneously. Prior to this was a physicist and oceanographer, among other things.

Autogenerate Path Visualisations

In the previous blog post I have described how to use GraphViz to describe a graph in a textual format and then generate an image from that.

This time, let’s do one more step and add some code so that the image gets generated automatically when the text file is updated.

For my project I use Guard, a Ruby gem that watches file system changes, and allows to define various reactions. Running unit tests whenever a file is saved is one example.

For my case, I let it generate a new image file, when a GraphViz file is saved. First of all, I installed the needed Ruby gems:

gem install guard guard-shell

With that in place, here’s the Guardfile I use to generate the images:

guard 'shell' do
  watch(/(.*\.gv)$/) { | m |
    dot_file = m[1]
    png_file = "#{File.basename(dot_file, '.*')}.png"
    command = "dot -Tpng -Gdpi=300 -o#{png_file} #{dot_file} && open #{png_file}"
    puts command
    puts `#{command}`

Note: In the code above I had to revert to enter (0xff06) instead of & (0x26) in order to prevent the syntax highlighting feature from turing a & into `&`… 🤷‍♂️

The part watch(/(.*.gv)$/) invokes the following code block when a file that matches the given regular expression changes. I am interested in files that match ‘*.gv’ in the directory that the Guardfile is stored in.

The line dot_file = m[1] extracts the file name from the parameter passed into the block, and uses it to create a _new_ file name for the image file that is going to be created.

Then the shell command is put together, logged, and finally called.

Component of the commandWhat it is/does
dot The command name that
translates the gv file into a PNG image
-TpngSet the output format to ‘png’
-Gdpi=300Set the resolution to 300 dpi
(gives a good resolution for printing)
-o#{png_file} Set the file name for the png file
#{dot_file}The name of the input file
&& open #{png_file}This appends another shell command to open the image file.
(I use this on my Mac to automatically (re-) open the file whenever it’s regenerated.)

In case you would like to experiment with this, I created as a starting point, including an example GraphViz file.

Visualising Paths

In one of my projects we were faced with a high number of execution paths the system could take. While this is normal and, in fact, expected for all systems these days, in this particular project it was obvious even for the users of the system. The software accepts (interactive) input and then demands more information, as needed in the specific context. There were numerous paths through a network of decisions to get to the point where the final result could be presented to the user.

This is basically describing layers of decisions, leading to various outcomes. To get an overview of the decision tree, I created a diagram using an app (OmniGraffle in this case). The result for one real tree (with abstracted labels) is this:

Paths trough a decisions tree, updating an attribute of the result

This isn’t trivial, but it doesn’t look too hard. But then, there are 9 different paths thought the graph. The following image shows each path in one colour:

Showing all paths for the image above

That’s not as simple anymore. Also note, that the attribute is sometimes updated, leading to different result types (res1 for attribute == 0, res2 for all other cases). It was tedious to create these images to help me see the paths — and fiddling the the arrow to make it look reasonably good, was extra work. To deal with more cases I wanted another approach.

I remembered a tool I had used in a similar situation: GraphViz. It’s the combination of a text format (a graph describing language) and programs to turn this into a graphical representation: images.

Here’s the textual representation of the graph above:

digraph {

  node [fontsize=9, shape=rectangle, style="rounded", color=black];
  edge [fontsize=7, fontcolor=red arrowhead=onormal];

  D1[ label = "Decision 1\nattribute = 0" ];
  D2[ label = "Decision 2" ];
  D3[ label = "Decision 3" ];
  D4[ label = "Decision 4" ];

  R1[ label = "Res 1 | Res 2\ndepending on attribute" ];
  R2[ label = "Res 1 | Res 2\ndepending on attribute" ];
  R3[ label = "Res 1 | Res 2\ndepending on attribute" ]; 

  D1 -> D2 [label = "Yes"];

  D2 -> D3 [label = "Yes\nattribute += 1"];
  D2 -> D3 [label = "No"];

  D3 -> R1 [label = "≤x times"];
  D3 -> D4 [label = ">x times"];

  D4 -> R2[label = "<Y units\nattribute += 1"];
  D4 -> R3[label = "≤Y units"];

I find it easy to see which node there are, and how the node connect. Here is the command I used to generate a PNG file:

dot -Tpng -Gdpi=300 -o decisions.png

dot is one of the layout programs that comes with GraphViz. With -Ddpi=300 I’ve set the resolution to 300 dpi (to generate a file with a higher resolution than the default). The resulting image file log like this:

The generated PNG file, using dot

While the positioning of the edge labels is not perfect, it happened automatically, as the whole layout of the image. I didn’t have to move things, I could set the styles for all nodes & edges in one place, so that they are guaranteed to look consistent.

In the cases when I used this approach, I could generate the graph description automatically from a (more or less) formal description. In these cases, I could avoid mistakes by ‘hand-drawing’ the graph entirely (well, having tests for the generator code in place… 🙂).

Agile Testing Days 2020

I’m really excited that the Agile Testing Days accepted me as a speaker again. This year I’ll offer two workshops, one of them at two times.

“Get The Most Out Of This Conference” is meant for newcomers to conferences in general. If you haven’t attended a conference before, this is for you. The plan is to have the first one on Monday afternoon (9th, Nov. 2020), and then to have the second go right after the morning keynote on Tuesday morning (10th, Nov. 2020). There’s a teaser video available at vimeo.

Let’s Start Learning Elixir — Together” is the second workshop. It’s two hours of looking into a functional programming language, getting started to learning it. This is scheduled for Wednesday morning. For the Elixir workshop there’s a teaser video, too.

Physics And Testing

At a number of conferences I attended in the past, people connected several fields to software development in general and testing in particular, which (at first) seem unrelated.

Since then, I pondered this for a while (read: more than 4 years). With my background in physics, I see a number of parallels to software testing. This is also a great opportunity to answer a question I get asked frequently: How did you enter software testing, given your background in physics?


Let’s start with a definition for physics:

Physics is an experimental science. Physicists observe the phenomena of nature and try to find patterns that relate these phenomena.

— Young, Freedman. “Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics: With Modern Physics”. Pearson Education.
Also see the wikipedia article on physics.

The patterns that relate those phenomena are the theories (or laws) of physics. They are models that describe an aspect of reality. None of these models is complete, in the sense that it describes everything. There is no one physical theory that explains everything. A nice view of the landscape of physical models is shown in the image by Dominic Walliman (see for details):

The landscape of physical theories, see
Dominic Walliman’s ‘Domain of Science’ video on YouTube

In physics (as in science in general), experimental results and predictions  created by models are compared, in order to find out how a model does not match observed behaviour. This is important: Experiments can only ever invalidate a model, but not generally confirm its correctness.


To me software systems are models, too: Even though they may represent reality closely, a software system is not the thing it represents.
Peter Naur described the relationship between theory building and programming in his paper ‘Programming as Theory Building’ (Microprocessing and Microprogramming 15, 1985, pp. 253-261).


My mental model of software testing is very similar to the one of physics: I see software systems as partial implementations of aspects of a real expected behaviour. In my view testing a system means it and comparing observed results with expectations.
The expectations may come from requirements (written or otherwise), previous experiences with similar systems (i.e. another web application from the same company) or other sources.

There are many approaches to testing, in a similar way to the many approaches to physics. Some of them work good in one area but not so well in another. What kind of testing is done, heavily depends on the kind of the software system: Testing embedded software used in medical devices is drastically different from testing, say, a text editor.


It is interesting to go one step further, from physics to science. The Cambridge Dictionary defines science as

the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment

With a different wording, this seems to fit software testing as well:

Software testing the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of software systems through observation and experiment.

The definition with a different wording

To me, many very basic principles of scions in general and physic in particular apply to software testing, too. And that’s why I think that my physics background is very helpful in software testing.

Now, I interested in this: What is your background and how does it help you in software testing (especially if your background is not in computer science or software engineering)?

Writing a (Technical) Book in an IDE

I find myself writing again more, in particular writing technical books. For this I am using a number of tools, some of which I’ve described in Writing a Ruby Related book(let) on LeanPub.

In this post I focus on the writing itself including the setup I use. When starting fresh, I use the zip file with a default content provided by LeanPub. When unzipped, the folder structure looks like this:

% tree a_potential_book
└── manuscript
    ├── Book.txt
    ├── chapter1.txt
    ├── chapter2.txt
    ├── chapter3.txt
    └── resources
        ├── palm-trees.jpg
        └── readme.txt

2 directories, 7 files

I have used Markdown in previous books and am now using Markua (a markup format created by LeanPub). Since both are similar and many editors & IDEs identify the file type by the file name suffix, I use ‘.md’ as the suffix for the files. Also, I find renaming the files ist easier than reconfiguring editors. To do this I use rename:

% rename -g  -s .txt .md  "a_potential_book/manuscript/chapter*.txt"
% tree a_potential_book
└── manuscript
    ├── Book.txt
    └── resources
        ├── palm-trees.jpg
        └── readme.txt

On a Mac rename can be installed using Homebrew:

brew install rename

Now the file Book.txt needs to be updated, to also list the ‘*.md’ files:

ls *.md > Book.txt

With this set up, I import the folder into RubMine, and have a look at ‘’:

Example chapter 2 of the default LeanPub book
The imported default book (click to enlarge image)

Notice this line

![Palm Trees](palm-trees.jpg)

This is the Markua (and Markdown) way of to insert an image (‘palm-trees.jpg’ in this case) into the text using the cation ‘Palm Trees’. In terms of RubyMine the image file is a resource — and it would be handy to be able to open it with just a click. Here’s how to configure this in the IDE:

  1. 320Hover the mouse pointer over the folder name ‘resources’ and
  2. Open the context menu with a right click:
  3. Open the sub menu entitled ‘Mark Directory as ▸’, and click ‘Resource Root’

Now, if you CMD-click the file name in the text, the image is displayed. Nice.

For my Ruby related book, I created a sub directory within ‘resources’ named ‘code’. Any files inside that folder will now also be found by the IDE and opened, when CMD-clicked.

A Community Written Book

An Update: It‘s available on LeanPub!

The book is now available at LeanPub ➙

@MaikNog and I (@S_2K on Twitter) are preparing a community e-book, similar to Viv Richards’ (who agreed to contribute to this one. Yay!) wonderful “Around the World with 80 Software Testers“.

It’s entitled “Software People … Work From Home — Insights & Experiences From Planet Earth” and it will contain reports about life and work in these times of lockdown, personal limitation and remoteness. They are personal experiences, unfiltered authentic … and safe for work. 🙂 I would love each contribution to be easily seen as the work of a person, the human behind the words. This is intended to be a very humane collection of individual works covering one topic.

Folks have already promised to contribute material – and here’s a map marking the countries:

World map displaying countries with contributors to the book

If you identify as a software person and would like to contribute, we (@MaikNog and @S_2K) would like to hear (or read) from you — especially (but not exclusively!) if you’re not from one of the countries marked in that map.

All the best to you and yours — stay healthy (or a speedy recovery, should that be needed)

Update on 27th April 2020: The name changed, the map is updated and the description more precise..

Update on 10^th^ May 2020: Updated the map, now including Greece and Italy. Thank y’all!

The Computer Is Always Right

The other day I had trouble getting a Cucumber scenario to work. Here’s what happened, partly to have a post I can come back to, when (!) my future self runs into a similar problem.

I am using Cucumber and a very stripped down version of the project looked like this:

% tree
└── features
    ├── example.feature
    ├── step_definitions
    │   └── step_def.rb
    └── support
        └── env.rb

All code is entirely contrived and tailored to demonstrate the issue I bumped into. The example file features/example.feature first:

Feature: What is happening?

Scenario Outline: Matching step definitions -- or not

Given a step that mentions '<a_string>'
And another step that uses <a_number> like this
Then all is good

|  a_string |  a_number |
|      word |        42 |
| two words | 3.1415927 |

There are very plain step definitions too (in file step_definitions/step_def.rb):

Given("a step that mentions {string}") do |string|
  pending # Write code here …

Given(/another step that uses ((\d+)|(\d+\.\d+)) like this/) do |number|
  pending # Write code here …

Then("all is good") do
  pending # Write code here …

Running this gives the expected result: Cucumber kindly informs that there are pending steps:

% bundle exec cucumber
Feature: What is happening?

  Scenario Outline: Matching step definitions -- or not # features/example.feature:3
    Given a step that mentions '<a_string>'             # features/example.feature:5
    And another step that uses <a_number> like this     # features/example.feature:6
    Then all is good                                    # features/example.feature:7

      | a_string   | a_number  |
      | word       | 42        |
      | two words  | 3.1415927 |

2 scenarios (2 pending)
6 steps (4 skipped, 2 pending)

However at some point, I started getting another result (comments added by cucumber removed):

% bundle exec cucumber
Feature: What is happening?

  Scenario Outline: Matching step definitions -- or not
    Given a step that mentions '<a_string>'
    And another step that uses <a_number> like this
    Then all is good

      | a_string   | a_number  |
      | word       | 42        |
      | two words  | 3.1415927 |

2 scenarios (2 undefined)
6 steps (4 skipped, 2 undefined)

You can implement step definitions for undefined steps with these snippets:

Given("a step that mentions {string}") do |string|
  pending # Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions

Wait. What?!? I stared at the existing step definition for a while, comparing it with the one printed in the message above:

Given("a step that mentions {string}") do |string|
  pending # Write code here …

Confusion and disbelief kicked in.

One of the principles I use is this:

The computer is always right.

— Not sure where I picked this up. If you know the (or a) source, tell me please.

This is true even if the behaviour is wrong. In this case: If cucumber cannot find a step definition … it CANNOT find a step definition. But why would that be? Why did it happen in this particular case?

I even called in colleagues (remotely) and we stared at the code collectively. Still nothing.

Luckily a trace of a previous successful run was still available in the console output. So I copy-and-pasted the scenarios, and compared them piece by piece in a Pry session:

% pry
[1] pry(main)> works = 'features/works.feature'
=> "Feature: …"
[2] pry(main)> broken = 'features/broken.feature'
=> "Feature: …"
[3] pry(main)> works == broken
=> false

So there is in fact a difference. But what? Where?
Using the same pry session we found out:

[4] pry(main)>{|el| el[0] != el[1] }
=> [
    [0] [
        [0] 32,
        [1] 160

What this does: The codepoints of both strings are combined in pairs, and then the pairs that are different are selected. Here’s what the Ruby Documentation says about each_codepoint:

Passes the Integer ordinal of each character in str, also known as a codepoint when applied to Unicode strings to the given block. For encodings other than UTF-8/UTF-16(BE|LE)/UTF-32(BE|LE), values are directly derived from the binary representation of each character. If no block is given, an enumerator is returned instead.

“hello\u0639”.each_codepoint {|c| print c, ‘ ‘ }


104 101 108 108 111 1593

The small piece that changed the behaviour was a space, just not a ‘normal’ space, but a NO-BREAK SPACE (see, for example, for more about this topic).

Lessons I learned (again):

  1. Some problems are hard to see, and in this case it was even invisible.
  2. The message was correct: The step was not defined, it only looked (to the human eye) as if it was.
  3. Using <spacebar> gives a different result than <option>-<sapacebar>.